
Eric Bahn's Actual Pitch to a Family Office

Fifteen hundred.

That's how many times our team has pitched Hustle Fund to prospective LPs.

Let's back up.

Last week TechCrunch ran an article announcing Hustle Fund raised its third round of funding (Hustle Fund III).

While we're over the moon about this news, that's not what I want to talk about today.

Because the purpose of Small Bets is not to share press releases.

It's to share tactical information with people who want to become amazing early-stage investors.

So I want to talk about how we've raised $125m since launching the biz.

To do that, I have a recording of Eric Bahn sharing the exact pitch he and his co-founders use in their meetings with LPs.

Here's the video.

🔥 Hot tip: troll Eric about his background on twitter @EricBahn if you want to have a great afternoon.

The Hustle Fund co-founders have used this pitch about 1,500 times to close a total of 260 investors.

So whether you're raising for your own fund, for a startup, or just want to help your portfolio founders refine their pitch... we hope this video can help.

Happy watching,
Kera from Hustle Fund